What To Wear Now: Brand Spotlight: Darcy Darlette


In 2018, model and artist Dacy Luneburg launched the clothing line Dacy Darlette, a brand that combines art and fashion with a taste of African royalty. 

Her eclectic background has profoundly influenced her creativity and ensured the production of unique and exciting pieces with the flavor of Africa. Dacy grew up in Burundi when she was always fascinated by art and fashion although she didn't have much access to it.

It wasn't until she moved to Niger that she started opening her eyes to different shapes: African drapes, headwraps, batiks, and learning about different cultures and art. When she moved to Colorado she started learning sewing techniques and attended the Art Institute of Colorado to learn more about fashion. During her years in college, she also started her modeling career which allowed her to network with designers, models, photographers and makeup artists.