Jack and Jaclyn Zamora of Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics

Our series Talk Shop is a career and style profile featuring personalities from various industries. They are shot on location in Cherry Creek. This month, Culture & Style Editor ANNIE BLOJ interviews Jack and Jaclyn Zamora of Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics. The Zamoras are wearing clothing from their closets and are photographed on location at their workplace in Cherry Creek.



Jack Zamora and Jaclyn Zamora on the cover of Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine

Annie Bloj: Hello Jack and Jaclyn! I’m so excited to interview you both for the Cherry Creek Fashion Couples Issue!  You are both such prominent figures in the area and I’m interested to find out more about your backgrounds, how you met and what the future holds for you.

Jack, you were born and raised in New York and Bogota and trained in New York, Boston and New Orleans. Jaclyn, you were born and raised in Colorado. Jack, what brought you to Denver, initially? Jaclyn, what do you love about Colorado?

Jack Zamora: A job opportunity as an oculoplastic surgeon in private practice in Colorado Springs brought me to Colorado almost 16 years ago.

Jaclyn Zamora: I travel a lot for work and I love the feeling of coming home every time I come back to Colorado. From the city, the mountains, the people, the weather, everything is awesome!

AB: What drew you both to medicine and pursuing a career in the field?

Jaclyn: I’ve always known I was going to do something in the medical field since I was a little girl. I have always been one that loves interacting with and most of all helping people. The fact that I get to help people feel and look more beautiful every day is an amazing feeling.

Jack: At 16, I had the opportunity to work with my aunt who is an oculofacial plastic surgeon. I loved the artistic and creative aspects of cosmetic surgery and aesthetics. It’s incredible to me how the principles that I’ve learned in beautification are being transferred back to general medicine with our stem cell and plasma research.

At Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics with Jack and Jaclyn Zamora

AB: Jack, you have an extensive background in the medical field, particularly in oculoplastics. What inspired you to open your gorgeous med spa in Cherry Creek? How do you go about developing such innovative treatments, surgical techniques, and even a cosmetic stem cell company?

Jack: I really wanted to be able to have the experience that general practitioners have by seeing their patients over the course of many years. As a surgeon, typically you do a procedure on a patient and that’s it. However, the Medspa has allowed me to offer rejuvenating services in conjunction with or in lieu of surgery.  I’ve had the opportunity to see all of my patients over the course of many years and the one thing that has stood out is that everyone wants great results with less intervention and the least amount of downtime. This prompted me to explore other techniques and energies to ultimately create what I’ve done.  Ultimately I feel as if God wants me to help make a difference in the world. InfiniViveMD, our cosmetic stem cell serum company, is taking off. These cosmetic sales are helping to fund the scientists and researchers at Vitro Biopharma to support the research and development of stem cell therapies for the treatment of Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS and other degenerative diseases. I truly believe it is a calling to be a part of all of this.

Jaclyn: I am Jack's biggest cheerleader. I have done and seen thousands of procedures with him. Every day we discover something new. I feel honored to work next to such an innovative doctor, husband and business partner who has become a pioneer in the industry. I am very proud of Jack and I will always be his biggest cheerleader, encouraging him to open his mind to do and create more for everyone in this world.

AB: Ok… on to the good stuff… How did you two meet? 

Jaclyn: I started working with Jack almost 8 years ago. He hired me as his surgical assistant.

Jack: I met Jaclyn in 2012 at an office where I was doing surgery. She was an intern at the time. My previous surgical assistant was moving to a different city and needed a replacement, so she recommended Jaclyn.

Jack Zamora and Jaclyn Zamora in Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine

AB: What did you find attractive about each other initially and how has that adapted as you have grown as a couple?

Jaclyn: Jack's humor is infectious. Since day one we have always had a great laugh. I’ve always looked up to Jack as a role model. He’s taught me so many things for which I am forever grateful. I always have admired his passion and determination in life.  I admire how much of an amazing father he is, his love for our kids is immeasurable. I can’t wait to have babies of our own because of how great of a father he is. He also has a great head of hair!

Jack: Jaclyn is super sweet, beautiful and absolutely adorable. Everyone who knows her knows how loving she is and it’s no wonder that my kids asked her to marry them before I got a chance to ask her to marry me. The most important part about Jaclyn is how she brought me back to God at a time that I needed it most.  She also has awesome eyelashes.

AB: Congratulations on your recent wedding!  You are both still in the honeymoon phase, has marriage changed your relationship?

Jaclyn: No, I still sleep in the middle of the bed.

Jack: Yes. I don’t have my own sink anymore and the shower looks like Sephora!

AB: Not many couples also work together. It must be so nice to be able to celebrate the “wins” at work, but it must also come with its own set of challenges.  How do you navigate the workday together?

Jaclyn: Honestly, Jack and I see so many patients and are so busy during the day. I feel like we come home asking each other how each other’s day was. Most patients don’t know we are married when they come into our office unless we’ve expressed that to them. We truly do keep it pretty professional at the office and make it all about the patient so that they have an amazing experience.

Jack:  I wouldn’t have the practice that I have today without Jaclyn, so it’s easy to navigate each day because it’s done with appreciation.

Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine features Jack Zamora and Jaclyn Zamora.

AB: What do you do to unwind after work?  What do you both enjoy doing outside your practice?

Jack: I truly enjoy being a husband and a Dad when I’m at home. Work is easy, but raising children is such a tremendous responsibility that I devote myself to. I unwind at work, in surgery, it is my yoga. When we travel nationally and internationally for our stem cell company, I love to look at it as a lifelong opportunity for a bunch of mini honeymoons with Jaclyn.

Jaclyn: My favorite of all the things we do is going on dates with Jack and the kids. We are busy parents so we love to make the time that we have with the kids as fun and memorable as possible. I agree with Jack, being at work is like my yoga. Being Jack’s wife and business partner, I have had the great opportunity to be able to visit many different countries and I truly do feel like we are always honeymooning.

AB: Thank you so much for taking the time out of your incredibly busy schedules to speak with me!  I’m always so interested in learning more about the incredible breakthroughs that are happening in your field.

Jack Zamora and Jaclyn Zamora in Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine

Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics: @drjackzamora

Cherry Creek Fashion TV: The Couples Question Time