Fitness Fashion with Charlene Renea

Our series Trend Report is a style spread featuring clothing brands, trends and stores. This month, fitness instructor Charlene Renea wears clothing from Kait Sweat in Cherry Creek North. Charlene is photographed at Rise Nation in Cherry Creek. Charlene teaches classes at Rise and Bodies by Perseverance.



Charlene Reana at Rise Nation in Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine

Esther Lee Leach: Charlene, you are a fitness powerhouse and have developed a cult following where ever you teach. Before becoming an instructor at Fierce 45 and now at Rise Nation, you were an architect! Why did you make the career switch to the fitness industry?                                           

Charlene Reana: I fell into fitness by accident and had no idea at that time that this could be a full-time gig! I worked for the City and County of Denver as an Associate Architect but once I had my son I knew I wanted more time at home with him. I grew up in a foster home and family is important to me so when I found out I was pregnant I decided to stay at home and raise my son. During my postpartum stage I stumbled upon a studio called the Dailey Method and took a barre class there. This was my first stab at boutique fitness and I felt like I was really terrible at it. Apparently I was doing ok because the owner asked me if I would teach for her! At that moment I just shook my head and said yes. She had never really heard me speak before so I didn’t want to alert her to my stutter. It’s quite possible she already knew but unknowing to me this would be a great opportunity for personal growth. In the past, anytime I had to lead a conversation or present research my stutter gave me anxiety. I was always hesitant to take the lead and did my best to give others that opportunity. This career transition has given me confidence and self-awareness in being authentically me. I have learned so much about myself over the past 8 years in the fitness industry! I’m ok with people feeling uncomfortable around me, as I’ve learned to not tone myself down for the acceptance of others. Fast forward to today; when I teach I pull my fro up and command the room with power and presence. I use my project management and design skills to craft balanced, challenging and engaging workouts.  When I’m doing operations and project management for a Saas startup I let my fro down, wear bold lipstick and command with the same power and presence as the fitness instructor.

Charlene Renea in Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine at Rise Nation Cherry Creek

Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine features Charlene Reana

ELL: You are known for looking fabulous while teaching your classes while the rest of us look like sweaty messes! Let’s talk about fitness fashion! What do you wear to work out? What are your favorite fitness clothing brands?

CR: I must say having pieces you feel absolutely incredible in gives you confidence even if you are dripping in sweat! When I work out I make sure I love what I’m wearing and that I’m “feeling” myself in it. I tend to highlight the things I love the most about my body so if I’m having a not so body positive day, wearing something that accentuates my features reminds me that my body is beautiful. When picking out what to wear I’m drawn to bold prints! Exercise is fun and so should your clothing be. My favorite fitness brands for bold prints are Varley, Beach Riot, Balance Athletica, and Lululemon.

ELL: What advice can you give to our readers about choosing the right outfits for working out?

CR: When choosing the right outfit for your workout chose what you feel your best in! What you choose should instantly make you want to STRUT! Like most people, I’m always on the go. I chose pieces that transition me from my workout to the office. At the end of the day show a little skin, kill it in that crop top mama, then head to work! Do you! 

Charlene Reana at Rise Nation for Cherry Creek Fashion
Cherry Creek Fashion and Charlene Reana

ELL: For our many readers starting new fitness routines in the New Year, how can they stay motivated to stick with the program?

CR: Staying motivated can be so hard but setting yourself up for success can push you through the rut. First: schedule your workout just like you would schedule a meeting with your boss. Those meetings are non-negotiable and you have to follow through.  Second: Make it social! Plan your workouts with a friend so you can stay accountable together. Lastly, make it fun! Working out should be exciting and something you look forward too. If not change up your workout to something that you would enjoy.  Trust the process and stick it out and soon those habits will stick for good!

ELL: Let’s talk about products! Sometimes, we have to run from a class to brunch or a meeting. We all want to shower after a workout but if we are running low on time, what are your favorite products to get a quick refresh after working out?

CR: Oh my gosh this is me everyday! I don’t shower after every workout because I try to maximize every minute in the day (project manager me). After taking class I use YUNI Beauty Shower Sheets. They are vegan and free of harsh chemicals. After sweating your face becomes dry. I use the YUNI beauty sheet to cleanse my face as well then follow up with Josh Rosebrook's hydrating accelerator. My skin is replenished so I then follow up with makeup. I don’t wear makeup when I workout so after I use Kosas Cream blush and highlighter to pop color and definition back into my face and follow with a bold or glossy lip (Kosas or Fitglow). A quick fluff of my hair and Allpa peppermint hair oil to cleanse and refreshes my scalp post-sweat and I’m set!

Charlene Reana on the streets of Cherry Creek for Cherry Creek Fashion
Cherry Creek Fashion Charlene Renea Rise Nation 8.JPG

Charlene Renea: @charlenerenea

Location: @risenationco

Clothing: @kaitsweat

Makeup: @sierrarae_livelovelash for @livelovelash